Our Board of Trustees

        The Board meets on the 3rd Thursday of every month at school from 5:30 pm; anyone is welcome to attend. Please see Julie at the Office to confirm your attendance at any board meeting.

BOT [Board of Trustees]

The Board of Trustees, staff and students welcome you to Makaraka School and hope that your association with us will be a positive and happy one. 

If you have any queries/questions regarding the school please arrange to come and see the teacher concerned and/or the principal at your earliest convenience.  Staff and Board members are very approachable and considerate when it comes to making themselves available for any after school meetings, but would appreciate some notice if it is more than a minor/general matter.  

Parents are welcome to attend BOT meetings.  The Board usually meets the 3rd Thursday of each month. Confirmed meeting dates and times are published in the school newsletter. 

Our focus, as a Board, is always on what is best for our learners, as well as keeping the staff and school community’s interest at heart.  

As a Board we value your feedback.  There are regular opportunities to feedback, through Annual Consultation Surveys, Policy and Procedures Reviews and face to face.

Our 2025 BOT members:

Ben Williams~ Presiding Member/ Chairperson                       

Hayden Swann ~ Principal

Parent Representatives - Ben Maude, 

Jonno Torkington, Belinda Pyke, Libby Cron

~ Staff Trustee - Ashleigh Taylor